3 things to blog about in June

Hope, Happiness and Holy Matrimony

For June I’ve decided to focus on the way this time of year makes us feel and how we can spread those feelings of hope and happiness around our neighbours and friends. June marks the beginning of summer and the brighter days give us all a lift and make us smile more. Instead of picking out individual dates of note in June, I’ve chosen more general and wider themes that appertain to this month. This is the month most couples choose to get married in and it’s also the official month of the red rose. So not only is June full of hope, it’s also full of love. By using more general themes that, while still particular to June are easily recognisable to everybody, you can really maximise your visitors and engage more people. This month’s themes are identifiable and familiar to everybody. Remember the importance of keywords such as ‘summer’ and ‘marriage’ when creating your content. The visitors who accidentally find your blog by searching these words could be your next loyal readers.

Red Roses

Rbride with Red Rosesed roses are the flower of the month in June. It’s not clear why this is and there isn’t any real basis for this in Christianity, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t relevant. Although red roses are usually seen most in February for Valentine’s Day, they actually have their symbolic roots in June for Midsummer. Young girls would traditionally scatter red rose petals while wishing for their true love on Midsummer‘s Eve. It’s a ritual very seldom seen today, but it can still form the basis of your blog post this month. Begin by talking about the flower and why it’s particular to June. From there you can have a wider discussion about love. You can take this in any direction you like, but one suggestion would be to use the starting point of love and go on to talk about the importance of maintaining a loving heart and loving our fellow human beings in times of trouble and division.

Marriage and why we Love to Tie the Knot in June

June is the most popular month of the year for weddings. The days are brighter and longer and summer has officially begun. So it’s probably no surprise most couples choose this month to tie the knot.  As always some visitor interaction on your site is a great way to keep your readers engaged and eager to come back again and again. With the theme of love and marriage running through our blogs this month it’s the perfect time to encourage your visitors to post their wedding photos and stories. Ask for anything related to June weddings, any memories or maybe photos of generations gone by who married in this month. Also, if any of your visitors are marrying this very month, encourage them to share their story. Think how lovely it would be for your visitors to feel included in an up-to-the-minute story of love and marriage.

Summer makes us Smile

June is the month of Midsummer and everyone is feeling lighter. This makes it the perfect time to talk about happiness in our lives, but more importantly hope. With the summer stretching out in front of us and the longer days here, this is a time to embrace feelings of hope and see a brighter future. When the sun is shining we naturally feel happier and we can all spread this feeling with one another and make each other happier too. It’s a simple idea, but one which really does work. Encourage your readers to keep hope in their hearts and to extend the hand of kindness. Happy people are kind people, so it’s important to feel joy within yourself in order to make others happy too. From here you can extend this simple idea to include Christian teachings of kindness and helping others.

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